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The Catalog of Standards Navigation Tool is a user interface for visually navigating the domains, subdomains, components and standards of the Smart Grid.

    1. Smart Grid Architecture View
    2. The Smart Grid Architecture View provides a graphic overview of the electric grid based on the Smart Grid logical model of systems mapped onto the conceptual domains as described in the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 3.0. It includes domains, subdomains and components that form the Smart Grid landscape. Components are the actors of the grid located in topological communities that form functional domain and subdomain clusters.

    1. Simplified Navigation
    2. Mouse-over on a component inside a domain opens a drop-down list of standards that apply to that component. If you would like the drop-down to stay open, double-click inside the component frame. To close the drop-down list, click on the "x" on the right top corner. Note: if you would like to open more than one list of component standards you can "drag" open lists out of the way.

      Mouse-over on a standard opens a brief description of the standard. Clicking on the standard launches the standards development organization (SDO) webpage for the standard.

      NOTE: For best viewing experience, please use latest Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE9.0+ browsers. IE8.0 and IE7.0 run slow. Edge and other browsers are not supported.

  1. Smart Grid Domain Descriptions
  • Customer - End users of electricity. May also generate, store, and manage the use of energy. Three customer types include: home, building and industrial.
  • Operations - The managers of the movement of electricity.
  • Markets - Operators and participants in electricity markets.
  • Third Party Providers - Organizations providing services to electrical customers and to utilities.
  • Generation - Generators of electricity. May also store energy for later distribution. This domain includes both traditional generation sources and distributed energy resources (DER). At a logical level, “generation” includes coal, nuclear, and large-scale hydro generation usually attached to transmission, and DER which includes customer and distribution-attached generation and storage and service-provider-aggregated energy resources.
  • Transmission - Carriers of bulk electricity over long distances. May also store and generate electricity.
  • Distribution - Distributors of electricity to and from customers. May also store and generate electricity.
  1. Potential Future Enhancements

The Architecture View has the potential to form the basis for a more expressive community-driven navigation tool for interoperability and grid architecture in general by acting as a launch point for deep dive information that could include other architectural viewpoints with drill down to use cases, specifications, testing and certification documentation, organizations and conforming products.


About SEPA

The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to working with electric power stakeholders through the most pressing issues affecting the growth and utilization of smart energy. We are a trusted platform for education, research, standards, and collaboration to help utilities, customers, and other players deploy and integrate solar, storage, demand response and other distributed energy resources. Through educational activities, working groups, peer-to-peer opportunities and advisory services, SEPA engages interested parties in facilitating necessary information exchange and knowledge transfer to offer the highest amount of value for our membership and partner organizations.

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